Thursday 2 August 2012

Embed - August 2: Scoopit!

I found Scoopit! very attractive and easy to use.  It seems like when you start to scoop, it's hard to stop.  As I reflected back on my practicum and how I shared resources with my students, I glossed over them very quickly.  Perhaps content curation and resource sharing needs to be addressed explicitly in the classroom.  As many of us were surprised to discover, many students have poorer internet searching skills that we expected and may not be able to find quality tools on their own time.  With entire classes sharing resources in class, students may be motivated to use these resources at home.  Therefore, not only do students need to be introduced to tools such as these, explicit sharing and featuring of certain scoops may be necessary.  Content curation on Scoopit! also led to thoughts on creating authentic learning communities.  It seems like for this to occur online, collaboration and sharing needs to be fast, fun, and easy.  I will definitely try to use Scoopit! and other tools to strive for that.

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